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Margin Trading FAQs
Margin Trading FAQs
Does Delta Exchange have an iOS or Android App?
Currently, no. Delta Exchange does not have a native iOS or Android App. We do however offer...
How much margin is reserved while placing an order on Delta Exchange?
When placing an order, margin is reserved for: Margin for the order Trading Fees Order Margin...
How to use Charting Tools to improve Technical Analysis
Delta Exchange has integrated Trading View charts that can be used by traders for conducting...
Delta Exchange Calculator: Features to Improve Trading
The calculator on Delta Exchange provides various features that help traders understand their...
How are Stop Orders Margined on Delta Exchange?
When an order is placed on Delta Exchange, margin is blocked for it. This is known as order...
What happens to Open Orders when a Position is liquidated?
When a position is liquidated on Delta Exchange, all open orders of that contract are cancelled....
Time in Force Flags on Delta Exchange – IOC, GTC
Time in Force Flags provides traders with a way to create specific behaviour of orders for...
Understanding Contract Symbols on Delta Exchange
On Delta Exchange, the contracts are abbreviated in a specific format. <Coin Name> <Underlying...
How to Close an Open Position on Delta Exchange
There are two ways on how to exit an Open Position Place an order of the same size and the...